CRS always listens to our suggestions and we really appreciate that...other companies don't
do that very well.
Dave, Agency Principle, Indiana
I believe that CRS is working in the right direction to be very successful in Crop
Dave, Agency Principle, Indiana
...Being able to provide my customers with a marketing plan is just another feather in my
Allen, Iowa agent
When we look at companies to sell for, we look at certain things to make our job easier as
agents. Your processing system and your mapping system are as good as we have seen.
Nate, Iowa agent
THANK YOU to everyone involved in getting me connected with a new CRS agent. The agent
knows so much more than my old agent did. I transferred my 1,200 acres to CRS this year!
Jim, Missouri Farmer
I never carried crop insurance before, but now that ADM offers it through CRS, I might look
into it.
Verlyn Rieck, Luzerne Farmer
Right now there is no doubt that you have our trust. Any company that YOU work for already
has our trust!
Dave, Agency Principle, Indiana
Aeros is the most user-friendly system I've used.
Darcy, Illinois Agent
Your competition kind of held us hostage because of non-completed claims and bonus
potential. I don't like that!
Dave, Iowa Agent
I believe the crop insurance industry is financially healthy and headed in the right
RMA Director
Thank You
Crop Risk Services are proud to work closely with ADM. We know that everything ADM does starts with farmers,
we appreciate the commitment you have made and that is why we work hard to be an advocate and business
partner you can count on. We do this to help ensure that farming continues to be a rewarding way of life for
you and your family, for generations to come.