Crop Risk Services has recently released the new AerosExpress™ App for the iPhone®. This new application notifies adjusters of new claims, allows them to view and organize their claims on a mapped area for easier planning, take photos of damaged crops, map the damaged acres of the fields, and find contact information to place phone calls and take notes after the call has been placed with ease. It displays county, township, range, section, FSN, tract, field number, CLU, and High Risk information at any location. It also tracks points of interest to share with other adjusters working the claim, provides driving directions to the field where the loss occurred, and then uploads all of that information into Aeros to be viewed by the agent and insured.
This application is specific to Crop Risk Services and has been developed by our very own software engineers. It is exceedingly unique and packed with tons of powerful tools for the adjuster in one very small device that fits right into their pocket. We believe that this application has set the stage for the future of loss adjusting.